In the Media

Watch Emily Delaney on CityNews Discussing the Myles Grey Inquest – April 16, 2023

TriCity News March 20, 2021 - "Cops bungle investigation: Massive fraud investigation collapses after RCMP breach man's Charter rights"
Read about a recent successful win in court by Mr. Stern and Mr. Beckett.
News1130 Legal Analysis March 1, 2015 - "Legislature Bomb Plot, Medical Marijuana and Distracted Driving"
Vancouver Criminal Lawyer, Michael Shapray of Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers, Surrey Criminal Lawyers, talks to News1130 about the recent developments in the cases involving the rights of medical marijuana users wanting to grow their own and the plot to bomb the BC legislature.
News1130 Legal Analysis Feb 22nd, 2015 - "Police Corruption In Abbotsford and Perjury at the Robert Dziekanski Tasering Inquiry"
Vancouver Criminal Lawyer, Michael Shapray of Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers, Surrey Criminal Lawyers, talks to News1130 about the recent corruption charges against Abbotsford police officers and the perjury charges against the mountie who tasered Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski at YVR.
News1130 Legal Analysis February 15th, 2015 – “Allan Shoenborn Review Hearing and Legislature Bomb Plot Trial”
Vancouver and Surrey Criminal Lawyer, Michael Shapray of Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers, Surrey Criminal Lawyers, talks to News1130 about the results of the review hearing for convicted BC child killer Allan Shoenborn, as well as the admissibility of evidence being submitted in the Legislature bomb plot trial.
News1130 Legal Analysis February 8th, 2015 – “Doctor Assisted Suicide and the Supreme Court of Canada”
Vancouver Criminal Lawyer, Michael Shapray of Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers, Surrey Criminal Lawyers, talks to News1130 about the recent ruling of the SCC changing the laws of physician assisted suicide.
News1130 Legal Analysis January 25th, 2015 – “Animal Cruelty Cases in the Lower Mainland”
Vancouver Criminal Lawyer, Michael Shapray of Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers, Surrey Criminal Lawyers, speaks on News1130 about the recent spate of animal cruelty cases in the Lower Mainland.
News1130 Legal Analysis January 25th, 2015 – “20th Anniversary of OJ Simpson Case”
Vancouver criminal lawyer, Michael Shapray of Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers is interviewed about the impact of the OJ Simpson trial on the way the media deals with criminal cases.
News1130 Legal Analysis January 11th, 2015 – “Burnaby Minor hockey violence leads to charges”
Vancouver Criminal Lawyer, Michael Shapray of Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers, Surrey Criminal Lawyers, speaks on News1130 about the recent spate of criminal threatening and assault cases involving parents and players in Minor Hockey in Burnaby.
News1130 Legal Analysis January 11th, 2015 – “Landmark Victoria Sexting Case “
Vancouver Criminal Lawyer, Michael Shapray of Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers, Surrey Criminal Lawyers, speaks on News1130 about the Victoria case involving a minor accused of distributing naked pictures of her boyfriend’s underage ex-girlfriend on the internet. When does underage sexting constitute child pornography?
News1130 Legal Analysis December 14th, 2014 – “Surrey Six and Roberts/Meggs Petition”
Vancouver Criminal Lawyer, Michael Shapray of Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers, Surrey Criminal Lawyers, speaks on News1130 about sentencing in the Surrey Six trial and a petition seeking to remove Vision Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson and Coun. Geoff Meggs from office due to a conflict of interest.
News1130 Legal Analysis December 7th, 2014 – “Kamloops Shooting and New Prostitution Laws”
Vancouver Criminal Lawyer, Michael Shapray of Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers, Surrey Criminal Lawyers, speaks on News1130 about the recent shooting in Kamloops of a Peace Officer and provides some background on Canada's new prostitution laws.
News1130 Legal Analysis November 2nd, 2014 - "Jian Ghomeshi, Justin Bourque and TWU"
Vancouver Criminal Lawyer, Michael Shapray of Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers, Surrey Criminal Lawyers speaks on News1130 about the Jian Ghomeshi investigation, the sentencing of Justin Bourque and the status of TWU law school's accreditation with the BC Law Society.
News1130 Legal Analysis October 19th, 2014 - "The Reliability of Confessions in the recent Surrey Luring and Sexual Assault Case"
Michael Shapray of Surrey Criminal Lawyers, Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers, is interviewed on News1130 about the legal safeguards to test the truthfulness and reliability of confessions.
News1130 Legal Analysis October 12th, 2014 - "Brian Bonnie Charges and Changes to Distracted Driving Penalties"
Michael Shapray of Surrey Criminal Lawyers, Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers, is interviewed on News1130 about changes to Distracted Driving Offences in the Motor Vehicle Act and Elections Act charges laid in the ethnic outreach scandal.
News1130 Legal Analysis October 2nd, 2014 - "Implications of the guilty verdicts in the Surrey Six trial"
Michael Shapray of Surrey Criminal Lawyers, Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers, is interviewed on News1130 on the implications of the guilty verdicts in the Surrey Six murder case.
Weekly Legal Analysis on News1130, September 28th, 2014 – “Trinity Western Law School’s “Christian Covenant”, Accreditation and the BC Law Society”
Trinity Western University Law School which is due to open in 2016, has come under fire because of the “Christian covenant” TWU students must sign. The covenant states that sexual relations are to be only between a man and a woman who are married. Surrey criminal lawyer, Michael Shapray, of Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers gives an update on News 1130 on the current legal status and the upcoming binding BC Law Society referendum on the question of accreditation.
Weekly Legal Analysis on News1130, September 21st, 2014 – “Domestic Violence Charges in the NFL”
Surrey criminal lawyer, Michael Shapray of Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers is interviewed on News1130 on the recent high profile domestic violence cases involving NFL players. Are high profile cases treated differently? Should the San Francisco 49ers be letting Ray McDonald play while the legal issues play out?
Weekly Legal Analysis on News1130, September 14th, 2014 – “Constitutional Challenges to BC’s Drunk Driving Laws – Update”
Surrey criminal lawyer, Michael Shapray, of Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers is interviewed on News 1130 about the ongoing constitutional challenges to BC’s new drunk driving laws, as well as the recent conviction of a 28 year-old Vancouver woman on infanticide charges.
Weekly Legal Analysis on News1130, August 24th, 2014 - "Sexploitation charges in North Vancouver"
Surrey criminal lawyer, Michael Shapray, of Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers is interviewed on News 1130 about a recent extortion case involving sexually explicit video found by a North Vancouver resident on a lost cell phone. Mr. Shapray discusses sentencing considerations, similarities to the Amanda Todd case, and what you should do to protect yourself if you find yourself in a similar situation.
Weekly Legal Analysis on News1130, August 3rd, 2014 - "Mr. Big Confessions and Recent Yaletown Shootings"
Surrey criminal lawyer, Michael Shapray, of Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers is interviewed on News 1130 about the recent Supreme Court of Canada decision on the test to determine the admissibility of evidence gathered during “Mr. Big” investigations. Mr. Shapray also comments on the legal proceedings involving the individual accused of shooting the owner of Reckless Cycles on Davie Street in Yaletown in broad daylight in June.
Weekly Legal Analysis on News1130, July 13th, 2014 - "Animal cruelty charges and the Surrey Six trial"
Listen to Surrey criminal lawyer, Michael Shapray, of Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers interviewed on News1130 about the legal issues surrounding pets being locked in hot cars, and the status of the "Surrey Six" trial.
Michael Shapray interviewed about border crossing issues arising from legalization of marijuana in Washington State - Breakfast TV July 9th, 2014.
Surrey criminal lawyer, Michael Shapray, discusses the legal risks associated with crossing the border into BC after consuming marijuana legally in Washington State.
Weekly Legal Analysis on News1130, July 6th, 2014 - "The Current State of Legal Aid in BC"
Surrey criminal lawyer, Michael Shapray, of Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers is interviewed on News1130 about BC lawyers’ recent withdrawal of services to draw attention to the issue of underfunding of legal aid services in BC.
Weekly Legal Analysis on News1130, June 22nd, 2014 on News1130 - "BC's New Liquor Laws"
Listen to Surrey criminal lawyer, Michael Shapray, of Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers interviewed on News1130 on BC's new liquor laws and how they affect local businesses and consumers.
Weekly Legal Analysis on News1130, June 15th, 2014 on News1130 - "Stanley Cup Riots"
Listen to Surrey criminal lawyer, Michael Shapray, of Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers interviewed on News1130 on whether more charges will likely be laid and whether, in his opinion, justice was served.
Weekly Legal Analysis on News1130, June 8th, 2014 on News1130 - "Moncton Murders"
Listen to Surrey criminal lawyer, Michael Shapray, of Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers interviewed on News1130 on the speed of the process, the importance of video evidence, and the effects of social media in the #MonctonMurder case.
Weekly Legal Analysis on News1130, June 1st, 2014 on News1130 - "Medicinal Marijuana Laws"
Listen to Surrey criminal lawyer, Michael Shapray, interviewed on the changing marijuana laws in this country. What are your rights when police smell marijuana in your car at a roadside check? Listen to find out.
Weekly Legal Analysis on News1130, May 25th, 2014 on News1130 - "Surrey Hockey Mom Murder"
Listen to Surrey criminal lawyer, Michael Shapray, providing his insights on the "Surrey Hockey Mom Murder" and the effect of prior criminal record.
Weekly Legal Analysis on News1130, May 18th, 2014 on News1130 - "BC's Impaired Driving Laws and Police Presence at Wreck Beach"
Listen to Surrey criminal lawyer, Michael Shapray, providing his insights on BC's controversial impaired driving laws, due process, and the legal challenge to the laws at the Supreme Court of Canada. Mr. Shapray also comments on the announcement of a proposed permanent police presence at Vancouver's Wreck Beach.
Weekly Legal Analysis on News1130, May 11th, 2014 on News1130 - the "Surrey Six" and cameras in the courtroom
Listen to Surrey criminal lawyer, Michael Shapray, providing his insights on the "Surrey Six" case and on the issue of cameras in the courtroom.
Michael Shapray interviewed about Trinity Western University lawsuit on News1130, May 7th, 2014
Surrey criminal lawyer, Michael Shapray is interviewed on News1130 about Trinity Western University launching a court battle in Ontario and Nova Scotia, where the provinces’ law societies won’t let the school’s grads practice law. Read more...
Michael Shapray interviewed about restraining orders in domestic violence cases on News 1130, April 3, 2014
Marvin Stern Involved in Justice Reform Project in Ethiopia
December 2013 - Read the article in the Canadian Bar Association Journal - BarTalk
Marvin Stern interviewed about drug smuggling charges on CTV News, November 24th, 2013
Discussing the charges against four young British Columbians accused of smuggling nearly $5 million worth of heroin at the Melbourne Airport now facing life imprisonment.
Marvin Stern interviewed about a sentencing hearing in a deadly drunk driving case on CBC News, June 27, 2013
Marvin Stern is interviewed in relation to the sentencing of his client on charges related to drinking and driving offence that resulted in the death of the accused’s girlfriend and the loss of his leg. Marvin Stern sought a sentence for his client to be carried out in the community with no jail time.
Michael Shapray interviewed about the Stanley Cup Riots on CTV News, June 13th, 2013
Michael Shapray comments on the likelihood of damages being awarded to businesses suing the rioters for losses incurred during the riots.
David Albert, Surrey criminal lawyer, interviewed about client's not guilty plea on CBC News, December 3rd, 2012
David Albert comments on his client's not guilty plea and the presumption of innocence in a high profile murder case in Surrey.
David Albert wins aggravated assault mistrial on the basis of insufficient disclosure of a potential eye-witness
May 2007 - Lawyer David Albert, of Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers, got a September 15, 2006 guilty verdict against his client, thrown out and a mistrial declared on the basis there had been insufficient disclosure with respect to a potential eyewitness. Mr. Albert's client was charged with aggravated assault. During the trial the name of a particular individual was raised. The Crown had initially subpoenaed that person to attend at court but then cancelled the subpoena a week before the court date. Mr. Albert argued this was unusual and that the Crown should have disclosed that it had a potential eye-witness particularly because the complainant did not actually see who struck him and some of the witnesses at trial could not identify Mr. Albert's client as the attacker in either a police lineup or in court.
Michael Shapray comments in Lawyer’s Weekly on sentencing considerations in deportation case.
April 4, 2014 - Read the article in Lawyer's Weekly.
Marvin Stern representing Nickelback lead singer Chad Kroeger on impaired driving charges
Sept 2006 - Lawyer Marvin Stern of Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers is representing lead singer Chad Kroeger of the Canadian rock band Nickelback on impaired driving charges. The charges are being contested and Mr. Stern has released the following statement on behalf of Mr. Kroeger: "I want to make it very clear that Chad Kroeger does not condone drinking and driving. The message he wanted me to impart to you very clearly is that this is not a situation where he is condoning drinking and driving. " - The Province
Stern and Albert client found Not Guilty on first degree murder charges following 29 day trial in Victoria
Sept 2006 - After a 29 day trial in Victoria, British Columbia, a client represented by lawyers Marvin Stern and David Albert has been acquitted on a charge of first degree murder. - Times Colonist story
Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers Represents M.L.A. On Criminal Charges Surrey, B.C.
Surrey, B.C. - Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers recently acted on behalf of an area Member of the Provincial Legislative Assembly who was charged with obstruction of justice and other offences. Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers' Marvin Stern acted as counsel, and negotiated a plea bargain agreement resulting in the accused receiving an absolute discharge, the smallest penalty available for a guilty plea under the relevant provisions of the Criminal Code of Canada. Importantly, this disposition of the case allowed the elected representative to continue to work as an MLA and also means the MLA will not have a criminal record.
Crown Drops Second-Degree Murder Case Against Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers Client Mid-trial Following Defence Cross-examinations
Surrey, B.C. - Charges in a second-degree murder charge against an accused represented by Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers were recently dropped by the Crown Counsel in mid-trial following cross-examination of two key Crown witnesses by lawyer Marvin Stern. The case took place in New Westminster Supreme Court. As a result of the charges being withdrawn, Stern & Albert's client - who had been in pre-trial detention for 16 months - was released from custody.
Charges Dropped Against Professional Football Player Represented By Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers
Surrey, B.C. - A CFL football player arrested on a drug-related matter will not face charges. The player was represented in the matter by lawyers Marvin Stern and Michael Shapray.