Motor Vehicle Act Offences

Vancouver & Surrey Criminal Defence Lawyers

The Motor Vehicle Act Offence lawyers at Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers have a long record of success defending clients against all Motor Vehicle Act offences. Listed below are but a few of the Motor Vehicle Act offences our firm handles on a regular basis:

  • Speeding/Excessive speeding
  • Driving without due care and attention (Distracted Driving)
  • Driving without reasonable consideration
  • Failure to remain at the scene of an accident
  • Driving contrary to restrictions
  • Immediate Roadside Prohibitions
  • Administrative Driving Prohibitions
  • 24-hour driving prohibitions
  • Driving without a licence
  • Driving while prohibited

Drivers who receive too many violations or points on their driving record may be prohibited from driving by the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles. At Stern Shapray, Criminal Lawyers, we recognize that in today’s society, losing your driver’s licence for any period of time can have a devastating effect on your personal and professional life. We therefore treat every traffic violation ticket and driving prohibition as the serious matter it has the potential to be.

If you have been charged with or are being investigated for Motor Vehicle Act Offences and want to discuss your case, please contact us for a free and confidential consultation as soon as possible.